Unable to submit a web form


J’ai des formulaires remplis sur le web sur Kobotoolbox mais je n’arrive pas à les soumettre. J’ai une erreur : “Un nom ou ID d’enregistrement existe déjà”.

Je ne sais quoi faire.

Welcome to the community, @amengalley! Are you editing a submisson on the server or are you making a new submission?

Could you also let us know the server you are using? Please also feel free to share with us a screenshot of your issue so that we could understand your issue pictorially.

This is a form saved yesterday that I finalized today.

@amengalley, so you mean it was in the browser? Could you also provide us with the details requested above? Those details should help us troubleshoot your issue.

Am on this server : https://ee-eu.kobotoolbox.org/ (i don’t know if it’s the right answer)

My screen is in french, sorry

Hello @Kal_Lam did you receive my last message please ?