Hi, I am new at using KoBoCollect Application. I just want to seek assistance on the error message I encountered whenever I try to upload my accomplished survey form back to the server. Please see attached image:
It says Error: Generic Exception: Error: (410) at google drive link. I have also tried accessing the said link, but it says ‘Page Not Found’. I also made sure that the Server Settings uses the kc.kobotoolbox.org server.
I also tried creating a new form and submitting it once done and fortunately, I was able to send it. However, for this one survey form that I uploaded via XLSForm, it encounters this specific error.
I hope someone could help me fix this error. Thanks!
Welcome to the community @ivillar! Seems like the configuration of your KoBoCollect android app has an issue. Would you mind sharing with us the screenshot of the General Settings>Server from your KoBoCollect android app. This should help us troubleshoot your issue.
yes. I’ve check it more than once now. I also imported and sent a new form and it didn’t show this error message that I got from the first survey form I had.
Remove the submission_url from your xlsform and then redeploy your survey project. You should then be able to submit the submissions from your KoBoCollect android app to the KoBoToolbox server.
Note: You will however have to submit the one to the KoBoToolbox server manually for the submission that you made with the submission_url that is stuck in your KoBoCollect android app as outlined in the support article Manually Uploading Submissions.