Unable to view my data under the DATA>Table properly

Dear @Kal_Lam and @stephanealoo Today the same problem has occured again and now we are having difficulty while opening the data table view in the humanitarianresponse server. Just for your information and waiting your help.

Please kndly find error message

@anilgnydn, what is the total submissions that you have in this survey project?

Hello @Kal_Lam it has 5566 submissions but another project having 1000 submissions has the same problem too.

Which server are you using?


@anilgnydn, would you mind sharing with us the following through a private message:

  • Username
  • Project name
  • Server

@anilgnydn, kindly please be informed that this is a bug and we shall reach you back when solved.

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Good morning dear @Kal_Lam I’ll be waiting for yor feedback

@anilgnydn, this should take time.

Ok thank you for your prompt reply. This problem affects our project, but we have no other choices than waiting. :slight_smile: @Kal_Lam

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@anilgnydn, kindly please be informed that it only affects the viewing of data, but it should not affect your data’s storage. Hence continuing with data collection would not affect your survey project.

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@Kal_Lam yes you’re right technically its not affecting data entry but in order to prevent duplication we need to go data table and check whether that beneficary has been added before or not. If we do not do this, we will not be able to prevent the duplicate records, and we also need to reach unique ids that we assign to the beneficiaries in the data table view. Just for your information.

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Dear @Kal_Lam Is there any update on this topic? Our problem still continues.


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@anilgnydn, we have a GitHub issue for the same:

Will let you know when the same is solved.

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@anilgnydn, could you confirm if this is working at your end?

Dear @Kal_Lam sory for my late reply. Unfortunately I can’t confirm beacause seems that the problem is still not solved

We had a server load today. Maybe the issue should be resolved when we fix it up.

Good morning @Kal_Lam the problem continues today as well. This problem has been negatively affecting our project for months.