Uncheck the response

Within the application on the phone when collecting information, after I have filled out the questionnaire and it is in the draft folder, I can revisit it to review the selected answers and make changes if necessary. I am encountering an issue: if I have selected an answer to a question, and later realize I made a mistake or that I don’t need to provide an answer (a non-mandatory question), it is impossible for me to uncheck the response without choosing another one, even though I don’t want to provide an answer to the question. How can I address this?"

Welcome to the community, @elsa! Maybe you will also need to check if the questions are checked with mandatory responses.

Click again on the selection you want to delete, please.

Hi @elsa
If you are talking about any choice and for non-mandatory variables/field, you just need to select again the responded to uncheck/unselect the variable.

For example, you have selected (below image):

During editing, you just need to click/select again to uncheck:

Hope this may help you.