Undoing saved changes in a form

I mistakenly uploaded a form to a different project and it was saved as a form waiting for deployment, how can I undo changes made to a form such that I retain only the deployed version of the form ?

You could do the following:

  • Go to your form history
  • Clone the latest deployed version
  • Download the xlsform from the cloned project
  • Upload and replace the cloned project that you downloaded as xlsform
  • Redeploy

Thanks @Kal_Lam , I did this but have not yet deployed with fear to changes in the data being collect( before I uploaded the form I mistakenly uploaded(V41) I had the deployed version as 40 and have not deployed yet and now have version 42 after cloning the deployed version, downloading and uploading the xls form

@alexiga, if v40 is clean and the final one, feel free to repeat all the steps outlined above. You could then deploy it. Besides, please note that until you have all the versions safe, you should be able to manage all your projects without any issues.

Maybe as a reference, you could also have a look at our support article Recovering Data From Previous Form Versions.