Unexpected KoBoCAT error 400: b’{“detail”:“The name column for the 'zo9df75' choice list contains these duplicates: 'self_employed'

help me out

Unexpected KoBoCAT error 400: b’{“detail”:“The name column for the 'zo9df75' choice list contains these duplicates: 'self_employed'. Duplicate names will be impossible to identify in analysis unless a previous value in a cascading select differentiates them. If this is intentional, you can set the allow_choice_duplicates setting to 'yes'. Learn more: XLSForm.org”}’

Welcome to the community, @jahonga7777! Have you validated your XLSForm through this online validator? The online validator should help you identify your syntax issues.

Regarding your error message, it seems like there are some duplicate choices. This post discussed previously should help you understand and resolve it:

You should also be able to learn more about this issue here.