Unmatched end statement. Previous control type: None, Control type: group, Control name: None

Buenas tardes,

Copié y pegue un grupo en el excel, luego intenté subir el xlsform para implementar el proyecto, pero no me deja implementar. Aparece este error
[row : 1408] Unmatched end statement. Previous control type: None, Control type: group, Control name: None

Ya revisé los nombre de todas las filas y todos inician con alfabeto. Envio el xlsform

Encuesta V3.xlsx (155.0 KB)

Agradezco su ayuda con este asunto

@danielagomezc, I made a quick count of the total begin_group and the end_group you had in your xlsform and got the following result:

Group N
begin_group 214
end_group 219
Total 433

Ideally, the total number of begin_group and the end_group should be equal. Here you have end_group more than the begin_group. This is why you are having the issue.

Muchas gracias! Problema solucionado

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