Upgrading kobo-install

Hi @ks_1, I’m just moving the discussion from the announcement to here so that we don’t clutter the post.

Regarding your last question:

To check your kobo-install version, you can run git branch from within the kobo-install local repo.

John laid out some detailed steps for upgrading here if you are still on the version with a single database for kpi and kobocat.


Is there any documentation for upgrading from a later version? And to change kobo-install to use code from another repo instead github.com/kobotoolbox?

Hi @ks_1, the link I sent above to John’s post is probably the closest thing we have to documenting an upgrade as far as I’ve seen — you can just leave out the steps for migrating to separate databases if you’re already on a later version.

Can you please clarify what you mean by:

And to change kobo-install to use code from another repo instead

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Thanks @Josh for the quick response.

I mean, my code is customized so I need to pull the custom code (from my repo) into the VM rather than use the public kobotoolbox repo.

If you are referring to the code for KPI and Kobocat, if you run kobo-install in development mode, you can specify the directories for KPI and Kobocat in the setup and it will then build containers based on that code. For production, you will have to build your own containers for KPI and Kobocat and modify the docker-compose.frontend.yml file in the kobo-docker directory (that’s pulled when you run kobo-install for the first time) to ensure they are using those custom containers. I haven’t tried this myself in a production setting though and this all assumes no data retention from before. It’s hard to say what needs to be done in your case without seeing the setup since you’ve made changes to the code-base.