Uploading excel

I tried to upload an XLSX sheet and it did not work. So, I converted it to an XLS sheet and still got the error message " upload must have one of these sheets: survey, library". What does this mean? I am not a coder. I am just looking for software for my org to use. This needs to be user friendly, which it appears less and less to be. Thanks.

Welcome to the community, @hjrose! Your XLSForm does not seem to have mandatory sheets like the survey sheet or choices sheet. Would you mind checking them to see if it contains the said sheet? As a backup, I am sharing with you the online validator. You should be able to validate your XLSForm there to see if your XLSForm contains any syntax issues.

I’m confused. The document has to be named “survey” or “library”??

Hi @hjrose,

You can name your document anything you want. But it has to have some mandatory sheets.

You can find detailed information in this help article:

It might seem complex at first but you’ll get used to it in no time :slight_smile: And don’t be afraid to ask about any problems or confussions you have in the community forum. People are always trying to help each other.

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I don’t understand why I need to have to create worksheets that are set up this way. I thought that this site let you customize worksheets. That was the whole appeal.

@hjrose, you could understand which sheets are needed by designing a form in the formbuilder and then downloading the form as XLSForm. When you open the XLSForm you will see the mandatory sheets have been automatically created by the formbuilder.

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