Uploading file taking forever to load

Hi all,
Am having issues uploading files for the past 3 hours. It’s unresponsive and it takes forever to upload without any success as shown in the image above. I even cleared cache of the browser and it’s still unresolved.
Looking forward to resolve this issue

I am also experiencing that issue

do lemme know when you resolve the issue

@Osman_yotta, @anupamadias, we will update you when this issue is resolved. FYR:

@Osman_yotta, @anupamadias, this issue has now been resolved.

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Thank you very much.

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thank you @Kal_Lam

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sorry maybe i’m late but still am facing same problem, cant uploud new project to kobo toolbox eu.kobotoolbox.org web or kf.kobotoolbox.org web,

please help as soon as possible