Uploading survey responses from a previous survey

Hello. I’m rolling out a survey on a project on which a similar survey was previously undertaken. I want to incorporate relevant results from this previous survey into the new survey (90 responses). Short of manually entering every response into the webform, is there a way of uploading this data into the new survey?


H, BenA,

Please review this topic, i think it has the answer you are looking for

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Hi @osmanburcu.

Thank you for your help. I’ve followed the instructions in the video, and it gets to the point that the data is uploaded (showing as the correct number of submissions on Kobo), but when I try to view the data table page on the Kobo side, my screen goes blank and I have to go back to the previous page and reload. Any idea what I’m doing wrong?


@osmanburcu, just to update on this. I’ve managed to get the data table to show now, but when I download the data, the only columns that are filled, are ‘start’, ‘end’, an acknowledgement column and a free comment column, along with a few other systems columns. The rest of the columns are blank, even though they show data in the data table on the Kobo website.

Hi BenA, quick question, does the column that doesn’t contain any value when downloading in a group? If they are in a group, there is small adjustment you need to do. let me know

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Hi @osmanburcu. Yes, it’s in a group.

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So importing the group question is a little bit different than the stand-alone questions. You need to add group questions together under the group name as you can see in the picture below. group_qc5sc03 is my group name and the question below is under this group. So you need to create a grouping like this for your all group questions after that import the data. It will work



Thank you, this has worked brilliantly!


@osmanburcu, :clap: :heart: :partying_face: