URGENT Freelancer for Kobocollect implementation of a quantitative on the field survey

We’re urgently looking for a freelancer who can (NEXT WEEK Jan 22-Jan 28) help us with the form building /scripting on KoboToolbox for two different uses:

  • online open questionnaire
  • questionnaire to be used by the enumerators on the field. We would also need help in setting up Kobocollect to be used by enumerators on the field

The questionnaire is ready along with the instructions for interviewers.

Please reach out urgently to mtrestini@apodissi.com if you’re interested, please indicate in the email your experience and your daily rate!

Looking forward to working with you!

Welcome to the community, @apodissi!

@hakan_cetinkaya @wroos @MohammedTaleb @Andrew1 @rahul_521 @ks_1 @stephenoduor @estefania.avendano @morriz @fadl @Prem @janna @meum92 @osmanburcu @donan28 @Rohitggn @fadl @arunarandeniya @mdarshad17 @shadesl @bonouekaiteie @Prem @marribork @DatamaniacSteve @Colin, @Cdaniel. @garaia if anyone of you are interested with this assignment!


@wroos good points. The project is humanitarian, it aims at evaluating the level of digitalisation of MSMES in West Africa with the aim to provide the appropriate support afterwards. It’s urgent as the field work will commence on 12 Feb and the training to enumerators shall be around 6 February. I hope this helps. Margherita

Sorry, when will you do a systematic pretest, incl. data export for analysis, before field work (even better before final training)? Also, developping a good CAPI app is more than “copying” a paper questionnaire, esp. if you use Collect and Enketo in parallel, e.g. simple and complex quality control should be defined and implemented.

@wroos I am not saying it’s simply copy/pasting :slight_smile: it was that simple we would not ask for experts’ help. Also, happy to get advice on quality control (i.e. to avoid duplicates/and identifying potential cheating)

Thanks @Kal_Lam , I will checkout it out with @apodissi

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@stephenoduor, :clap: :heart: :partying_face:

Hi Margherita,
If you are still on the lookout to hire someone, I would be glad to help you out as what you are wanting done is within my skillset
You can reach out to me on my email here

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Hi @apodissi
I have shared an email with you for creating the form.

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