USGS map zoon in view doesn't show up in Kobo app

Hello Dears,

When I zoom in the USGS map the resolution of the map view unclear. any solution?

@iraq_habitat, you will have to load it with an internet connection for a time so that the app is able to load the map. Hope this solves your issue.

Yes I’m loading it while connecting to internet but still can’t show up

Is the USGS the same of esri map?

@iraq_habitat, could you let us know the version of the Collect app you are using?

It’s version v1.30.1

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Have you tried this with both the KoBoCollect android app and the ODK Collect android app?

No I tried with KoboCollect only, is the USGS same as esri map ?

Maybe our community experienced with maps could help us here. But @iraq_habitat, when I checked the USGS maps at my end i too got a blurred one when zooming in to get details.