Using Hyperlink to download pictures - Not working

I’ve been trying to insert the hyperlink formula to link the data to the media file on excel spreadsheet. I’ve followed the instructions provided by the Help Center ( - making sure that I replace the username and the reference for the media file. Despite all of this, It doesn’t work.

I wonder if anyone could help in identifying the issue. I 'm using the Kobotoolbox server.

This is just to acknowledge that we are currently looking into this to see what is causing the issue. We should be able to update when resolved.

Hi @dee,

Welcome to the community! If you have gone through the support article Downloading Photos and Other Media intending to Adding Direct Hyperlinks to Collected Media in Excel, did you follow follow the step 1 to 4 correctly. If yes, would you now try to share your data publicly as shown in the image below:

Now click the link that you prepared as described in the article (also as shown in the image below):

You should now be able to see the image when clicking the link that you prepared as instructed in the support article.

Please let us know if it now works for you. GOOD DAY!

Hi @Kal_Lam, in relation to your post, do I need to enable both Share by link and Share data publicly first before I can successfully download all images using this DownloadThemAll extension as suggested?

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@hm11, yes, you got that correct!

Hi @hm11, you can also refer to the discussion thread here if you would prefer not to make your form and data public:

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