Using Kobo collect to identify if deliveries are made on weekends and during work hours


I am working on a form for the performance appraisal of 3PLs.

I work for an iNGO as a supply chain Technical Advisor and I monitor the resupply of health products ensuring that they are delivered at the right time and at the correct destinations. Hence, I would like to track if: (1) Resupply of health products is done within work hours i.e. 8am-4pm; (2) If deliveries are done on work days (and not weekends).

Thank you.


Not sure what 3PLs is? An abbreviation limits understanding just to those familiar with your domain. Nonetheless, you can use the datetime question type to have the data entry team confirm the date and time of deliveries across all levels then perhaps append their signatures at the end of the form alongside picking the GPS location of the data entry point. You might want to audit the time-sensitive positive portions of the questionnaire too.

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Hi Community :tulip:
I think the attached file will help you
subTime.xlsx (9.7 KB)

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3PL is Third Party Logisticians, They provide logistics services which include warehousing, order processing, shipping, and distribution of products.

I have used the date and time function. I also included the signature and GPS location on the form. However, what I need is for the form to be able to alert the data collector when there is an issue without him/her thinking too much. For example, if a delivery is done on the 5th of June 2022, there should be a notification saying that it’s a Sunday without tasking the data collector.

I’m not sure if I am doing it correctly. I inputted the syntax your shared in the check list and I am getting error messages when I wan to preview it.

@Jewels92, have you tried the XLSForm shared by @MohammedTaleb?

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Yes I did. Below is the message I saw when I tried to preview it.

Dear @Jewels92
My file is working fine but your modifications caused this error,
Please share xlsform file with the community so we can help you

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Dear @MohammedTaleb I was able to resolve it.

Thanks for your help.


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@Jewels92, :clap: :heart: :partying_face:

you can check this site to get idea click here to explore