Using the instance_name approach, is it possible to merge submissions with same instance name automatically from the backend

Thank you so much for this.

Using the instance_name approach, is it possible to merge submissions with same instance name automatically from the backend.

I have team of facilities assessors on the field. Each team has four persons assessing each health facility differently-using different phones, depending on their thematic area (case management, m&e, supply chain and vector control ). However, by the time they finish the assessment, they will have 4 submissions. Can this be automatically merged into 1 submission if the calculated instance name is the same?


@tomisin, do you mean you wish to merge the name that is already in the server?

Not the name.

Merging the submissions from 4 persons for 1 health facility into 1 record in the database.

@tomisin, this is not possible with the existing features in KoBoToolbox.