Validating data from another survey data

Constraint entered values by another assessment or uploaded data in kobo:
for example I have Pre test that generate code for a person, to make the Post Test I shall enter the same code generated in the Pre Test, can I restrict the entered Code in the Post Test by the Codes generated in the Pre Test only

Hi @missioneastsheild and welcome to the community!

This post by Kal should help you to achieve that, you just need to convert the calculation to your needs.

If you need further help, don’t hesitate to ask.

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@hakan_cetinkaya, :clap: :heart: :partying_face:

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Hello I have a problem while using pull-data to text , when I edit the text after pull-data the edition is not shown on the Data while submitting the survey from KOBO APP, but while using webserver it works fine

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 E F G H
type name label::english required constraint calculation relevant appearance
text beneficiary_code Enter respondant’s Code true
calculate Beneficiary_Name true pulldata(‘sbsupdata’,‘nameoriginal’,‘codeoriginal’,${beneficiary_code})
note wrongcode_alert Wrong code or you did not enter it, check the correct beneficiary code false ${Beneficiary_Name} = ‘’
text beneficiary_name1 Beneficiary’s Name: true pulldata(‘sbsupdata’,‘nameoriginal’,‘codeoriginal’,${beneficiary_code})
begin_group group222 group1 false
text change_name Specify why did u change the Beneficiary’s Name TRUE ${beneficiary_name1} != ${Beneficiary_Name}

the values beneficiary_name1 and change_name are not shown on the data while submit the survey from the KOBo Application via tab or mobile
please support , thanks in advance