Visualize information on the map

Is there any way to visalize collected information on the map, beside the points (maybe depoyable legends with them). I´m refering to information like Name, or an icon to hear a recorded sound, rather than having the submission record deployed when clicking the point?

Thanks to all…

Welcome to the community, @aurgilesnz! Could you share with the community a sample of your request so that the community should also be able to understand your request pictorially?

Thanks @Kal_Lam.
I´m sharing a map, which is an openstreetmaps visualization of information collected by my team, in KoBo, exported and designed to be showed like that.
I wonder if there is a way of pre -visualizing the collected information in the KoBotoolbox map, like this, without having to deploy the submision record entirely.

Do you mean you wish to display your information as image 2 and image 3?

As image 3

My firm has some commercial solutions for map-based planning, execution and visualization of tasks… If you’re interested please drop me a DM.

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