Hi all, does anyone have any experience downloading the xls survey form through R? Is this possible? If anyone could share some code, that would be really helpful! Thank you, Hannah
September 17, 2021, 12:07pm
@hannah_miles23 , maybe these two post discussed previously should be helpful for you:
Dear Michael,
If you are interested to use R, here are the functions and working examples that download CSV data from KoBo using API and save it as xlsx.
Best regards,
··· On Wednesday, September 12, 2018 at 9:15:39 AM UTC+3, Michael Bukachi wrote:
How do I retrieve data for a form using the rest API in a different format, say csv or xls. The json format returned is quite difficult parse since each form might have different keys for the data field.
I noticed that on the toolbox …
and this one too:
Hi @hescalar ,
Would you mind having a look here:
(If you are not able to access the page, try creating a github account and you should be able to access the same).
Have a great day!
Thanks Kal - the problem is not downloading the data, but rather accessing the survey form using R. Has anyone done this`before?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Kal, just following up on this - do you have any advice for downloading the survey form from Kobo using R? Thank you in advance!
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