We have a dataset with 2,890 observations and are unable to download the data due to long processing times

Hi @Kal_Lam, my team is also experiencing this issue. We have a dataset with 2,890 observations and are unable to download the data due to long processing times. I do not see the same issue with other projects in my account.
Login: xxxxxxx
Project: ແບບຟອມຮຽກຊື່ນັກຮຽນ RC activity tracking KOBO form_Final
Server: kobo.savethechildren.net

Many thanks for your support!

@julia_taladay, it seems like you are with the Save the Children Server. In this case, you will need to reach out to Save the Children’s KoboToolbox Support Team as they could troubleshoot your issue more closely. But in the same time, maybe you could also validate your XLSForm through this online validator to see if the form has any syntax issues.

Thank you for the guidance!

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