What happens to answers from a deployed forms when a question is deleted?


I want to add and remove some questions to a form that has been already deployed for a while now.
Several responses have been made to this form now.

Before I make any changes, I was wondering what will happen to the previous responses (Answers given) when I edit or delete old questions from an already existing deployed form.

Please advise.

Welcome back to the community, @mireillejazi! Well, there are various scenarios to your query:

Scenario 1: Deleted the question but have not deployed your survey project

In this case, you need not worry at all, as you are still in the phase of creating your project. You could add or delete questions multiple times during this phase without any issues.

Scenario 2: Deleted the question after you have deployed your survey project (but have still not started data collection) and then redeployed your project

In this case, you need not worry as you have still not formally started collecting your data. However, you will need to ensure that your team uses the updated form to collect the data after you have deleted the question and then redeployed the form.

Scenario 3: Deleted the question after you have deployed your survey project (and you are in the middle of the data collection phase) and then redeployed your project

Maybe this is the main scenario you are interested in. Well, at this phase, the data from the deleted question still comes and gets stored in the server. You will not need to worry. KoboToolbox takes care of this issue pretty well.

However, at this phase, you will need to be aware that the data for the deleted question can be visible under the DATA>Table View without any issue. However, you might not see the data from the deleted question when you download your data. To get the data in your download file, you will need to check the Include data from all ... versions available under the Advanced options as outlined in our support article Recovering Data From Previous Form Versions.