When I download it using XML values and headers, the data appears incomplete

Dear Team,

When I download data using labels, the fields for state, LGA, and ward remain intact. However, when I download it using XML values and headers, the data appears incomplete when I use merged data using the names on the state, LGA and ward, if XML values and headers is coming via PCode which is what I use for the merging.

@baana2005, could you kindly share with the community a screenshot so that we could understand your issue pictorially and check the same at our end to see if it’s a bug within the system?

Dear @Kal_Lam ,

Kindly find screenshot from the same data with two different download methods as I mention early

Labels download it’s comes with the name which under Ward I can see a lot of Banki wards

XML values and headers download which I use merging and i see only one Banki ward, know that there is a lot of wards is missing I just give you one sample

Dear @Kal_Lam

I have replied with necessary information and waiting for you please. thanks

Dear @osmanburcu

Can you kindly help in this matter?

Thank you.

dear @baana2005, i tried to understand your problem but i got nothing, if you can explain me with more detail, i am happy to help

Dear @osmanburcu

If you check the trail you can understand better starting from the main post to the reply. thank you

i did, but unfortunately, I am an outsider to your project and it doesn’t make sense to me as much as you do.

Dear @osmanburcu is fine then and thanks, I will wait for @Kal_Lam reply then.