Why do question items repeat themselves on the colunms of the Exported Excel Sheet

Dear Support Group,
I prepared a questionnaire using Kobo and exported the responses. However, I found on the exported Excel sheet all the question items that do not consist of the the respose items have been repeated. This is in addition to the question items that consist of all the responses. Though it does not have an impact on the data quality, it is uncomfortable to look at it as they occupy a large part of the column.

Welcome back to the community, @Dejene! It could be because you tried to group questions but ticked the repeat option as outlined in this support article Grouping Questions and Repeating Groups. Let me know if it’s something different. Please also share with us a screenshot of your issue so that we can understand it pictorially.

@Kal_Lam. Kindly see the screenshot. The first part consists of the column that bears the questions with the row of the responses. On the right side, you will find the same question items repeated without any response in the subsequent rows.
Best regards.

@Kal_Lam I have finally settled the problem of repeated fields in the export Excel sheet. Thank you for your support. Thank you for your continued support.

Would you mind to share your explanation/solution with the community, please?