Why does enketo form hangs?

@Kal_Lam . Does enketo forms hang alot? Is this better to use odk collect instead of enketo because of enketo form getting hanged?

@archanadang, could you please share a screenshot of your issue with the community? Maybe your screenshot should be able to provide us with some details so that we can answer your query.

@Kal_Lam. Why there is this error coming. Please se

@archanadang, have you validated your XLSForm through this online validator?

Yes, its working in the other devices, but showing this error in one device.

We checked it in validator given on kobo’s website. We deployed it is working well for other devices. As you can see it not telling you any error.

@archanadang, if this is an issue with a single device, please be informed that it could be an issue with the device’s browser. Try updating the browser to it’s latest version. Please also try using a modern browser like the Chrome, Edge, Firefox for better performance.

@Kal_Lam. I have an xls form for which I am using enketo, it works well but I am unable to use that same form in odk collect or kobo collect. Can you tell why?

The form has dynamic repeated and nested group, is that reason?

@archanadang, did you say it was an issue with a single device or did you mean the issue is still there with all the devices?

The issue is with every device. Can i privately share the form with you? @Kal_Lam