Hi Sir,
Why the number of submissions aren’t equal in Kobo legacy tab?
Hi Sir,
Why the number of submissions aren’t equal in Kobo legacy tab?
@ahmadkhalid01, could you kindly share with us a screenshot of your issue so that we could understand it pictorially?
Could you kindly share with us on how this happened? Maybe a detailed description would help us replicate this issue at our end.
It has been two months since we are witnessing two different numbers.
Previously the numbers were ok.
Did this happen by itself?
Yes. It has happened recently.
Hi @ahmadkhalid01, sometimes the submission counter displays a cached result rather than updating. Please note that your data is still safe and it’s merely a cosmetic issue. If you provide me with the following, I can refresh the cache (but again, this is not necessary for data retrieval):
User: xxxxxxx
Server: Organisational
Thanks so much.