Xls upload error value error: English is specified as the default language, but only these translations are present in the form

Good Day

I am trying to upload my xls form and this is the error message that i am getting.


How best can i work on this error.


Hi @Rungano,

Could you kindly upload your XLS forms in the post so that we could have a look and flag you up on why you are having the problem!

How did solve this error, i ma facing the same challenge

I cannot recall very well but i think I went to the settings worksheet and removed all the translations

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@Rungano, thank you for sharing the solution with the entire community! @oxfammozambique2023, you could always validate your XLSForm through this online validator to identify syntax issues (if any are present within your XLSForm).

HI Kal

With online validator are you referring?

Online validator:

You can always give the search function of this forum a try, please, e.g. Search results for 'online validator' - KoboToolbox Community Forum.