Went I did export data as XML headed why some of my data columns were missing?
Welcome to the community, @dsythar! Would you mind share a screenshot so that the community should be able to understand your issue pictorially?
the names of the columns in the green box do not appear even though I have input the data only some of the data columns as in the screenshot below appear when I export data as Excel file
This seems a screenshot of the modal view, not of an export/download. Could you, please, share:
- the question settings of the Excel export
- the related part of your form ?
Did you change the form during data collection, esp. this part?
Did you check the form with the online validator?
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please see my form below
WVIL Master v1.44.xlsx (372.6 KB)
I have added a new question but did not make change anything about this part
Any error or warning?
76 versions of this form?
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Hi Wroos, there is nothing error warning occurred for this form version
Yes I have edited the date of the submission form but, don’t touch other parts and resubmission via web