Your system is broken

La misma pregunta sigue apareciendo. Después de la precheque te lleva al login fitosanitario pero nadie tiene datos de login y no nos deja crear una cuenta. ¿Cómo puedes iniciar sesión o crear un formulario si no tienes una cuenta y no te permite crear una?

Welcome to the community, @Aghaffari! Did you mean you want to create an account in KoboToolbox?

I mean the same thing everyone else is complains about. After creating a Honduras Precheque form it takes you to another form called Phytosanitary. The only way to proceed is to have an existing account. There is no way or option to create an account.

This is not a solution and does not answer the question.

@Aghaffari, are you using KoboToolbox? Your screenshot shows something different.