502 error issue

Error 502 appears and I cannot download data from my projects. It shows a notification that acces is denied. Could you please help us as we have ongoing fieldwork now. Thank you

Welcome to the community, @wave1opinia! Are you on the Global server?


@wave1opinia, could you share the login URL, please? I’d assume it’s the Global Server.


@wave1opinia, the issue has been resolved now. Please feel free to reach us back if it should happen again.

thank you, but I still cannot download the data…it stays PROCESSING… could you help us with this please

@wave1opinia, I just made a quick test downloading the data and did not have any issues. FYR …

thank you, yesterday the problem was solved by the end of the day and everything goes well now. Thanks a lot for your support and effort.

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@wave1opinia, :bowing_man: