All form an data deleted

Hello, I lost all my data collection forms and data on kobo. Is there a way to recover them?

Welcome to the community, @build23! Could you kindly elaborate on your issue so that we can help you out if it’s possible? But please be as detailed as possible so that we understand your issue.

I just noticed that all my forms and data have been deleted.
I am asking for help to restore them if possible.

@build23, would you mind sharing the following information through a private message so that I could have a closer look at your case:

  • Username
  • Project name
  • Server

Note: You could share with me a private message as outlined in the post discussed previously:

the problem has finally been resolved. In reality, the data had not been deleted :innocent:. It was a server error, I connected to another KOBO server that has the same access as the other, so I did not pay attention to the link :sweat_smile:. If not the other server is intact all the data is there.

Thanks again to all of you and sorry :pray:t5::pray:t5::pray:t5:

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@build23, yes KoboToolbox has two public servers namely the Global Server (previously known as the HHI Server) and the EU Server (previously known as the OCHA Server). And users sometimes accidentally try to login to the wrong server.

Exactly, thanks so much.

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@build23, thank you once again for sharing your experience with the entire community! The community should benefit from your experience.