Assistance request: data missing in server

J’ai pas bien compris vous avez besoin du formulaire ? le lien je l’ai suivi mais j’ai pas saisi grand chose

@bassirou, do you know how to extract your data from your KoBoCollect android app that has been submitted to the server?

vraiment j’ai jamais fait ca , mais avec des indication j’y arriverai

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@bassirou, it would be helpful for us to make investigations on why those data did not get to the server.

comment extraire les données envoyées au serveur? pour vous aider dans l’appui.

@bassirou, the path may differ from device models. But this is the path that I could access my information. Maybe it should also help you find your device’s path:

  • Connect your android device to your PC. It’s easier to find the location this way.
  • Then check out the following path: This PC\Mobile Device\Phone\Android\data\\files


This PC refers to my PC. Mobile Device refers to your mobile.

c’est bon j’ai vu l’acces maintenant vous avez besoin des fichiers XML?

@bassirou, yes all the files that are present there. That should help us. Maybe you could send them through a private message.

a quel adress?

@bassirou, you could send us a private message as outlined in this post discussed previously:

Note: Please refresh your page if you are not able to send us a private message.

je ne vois qu’un seul button reply

DI TCS Headteacher survey Niger.xml (94.5 KB) DI TCS Student survey Niger Endline Cohorte 2.xml (63.2 KB) DI TCS Teacher survey Niger.xml (134.6 KB) DI TCS Teacher survey Niger_2.xml (122.9 KB)

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Thank you @bassirou! Will reach you back incase we should require anything else.

@bassirou, it seems like you were only able to extract the questions, could you also send us the submissions? Maybe you could share with us a ZIP of everything that is inside the files folder:

Device\Phone\Android\data\\files. That should be helpful for us.

Bonjour j’ai zippé le fichier File mais je ne peut pas l’attaché dans la réponse. on me dit que c’est pas autoriser ce genre de fichier

Maybe you could link it with dropbox or other platform.

Malheuresement je l’ai pas sur ma machine. si c’est possible par courriel?

Have you tried WeTranser? It’s free and easy to share files.

c’est sur quelle adresse je ferais le transfert