Automatic transcription button not available


I am interested in using the ‘Automatic’ transcription mentioned in the blog (link below). I do not see the option for ‘automatic’ that is shown in the article gif. I was wondering if this option is still in Beta or if I am going about the process wrong. I looked at other topics similar to this but they seem to be older or unrelated issues.

(Improving qualitative data collection: KoboToolbox’s advanced features for transcription, translation, and analysis | KoboToolbox)

My form has ‘audio’ type questions, and I am able to hear their content, but the ‘automatic’ option is not there. I collected the test audio data using the KoboCollect app. Does this tool only work for ENKETO?

Any information would be appreciated – Thank you.

Welcome to the community, @rkopper_wv! You should be able to learn more about the same through this support article Qualitative Analysis of Audio Responses.

Thank you for your response. I previously reviewed this article and the links found in it. The link does not mention ‘automatic.’ transcription. The ‘Transcription’ documentation that is referenced within the link mentions that automatic transcription is available for certain languages. I’m using English for testing this method so I would think that the ‘automatic’ button option would be present.

“For any language that has ASR or MT, you are able to choose between “manual” and “automatic” transcription or translation; for the remaining languages only the manual method is available.”

I am still uncertain how to utilize automatic transcription as described in my initial post. I go through the process to transcribe but the button for automatic is not present

I even tried to follow this YOUTUBE video instruction where when he clicks transcribe there is a button for ‘automatic’ but this process still failed to produce the option for ‘automatic’ transcription on my end.

I am having the same issue as @rkopper_wv - there is no option appearing for automatic transcription or translation, like it does in the video. Do you need to have a certain type of account for this feature to be active?

Have you found a solution to this issue? I’m not sure why my original post was marked as resolved. @Kal_Lam, please revisit this issue

I did not find a solution.

Hi @themealta @rkopper_wv I’ll try to clear this up here. A few months ago we asked for beta testers of this new feature and we’ve enabled automatic transcription and translation for a few hundred users as a result.

We will soon enable it for all users. We’ll add a message on the support pages to clear this up.

If you’d like to join our beta testing program, please share your usernames and the server you’re using and we can add you. If you don’t want to share them here, feel free to send us a message. We are very much interested in feedback about these new features so thanks in advance for testing them!

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Okay, I suspected that this was the case. Thank you, @tinok, for clarifying.
I would love to join the beta testing group.
Username: rkopper_wv
server =

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@rkopper_wv Done!

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