Hi Kalam,
It is very interesting app I am enjoying and excited to develop data collection app on KoboCollect.
May I know if there is availibility of Advance Users Guide in pdf or in any means or help files available for App developers ?
It would be grate for me to develop apps on KoboCollect.
Withg Best Regards,
@rameshpradhan, this post discussed previously should list you out all the available support sites:
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You can start with the Help Center articles.
See link below.
And during development you should always use the online validator. see https://getodk.org/xlsform/.
If you go further, also the XForm specification may be helpful, e.g. for available functions https://getodk.github.io/xforms-spec/#xpath-functions.
Also a compairison between Collect and Enketo (Webform) features might be interesting.
If you want to use Collect, I would recommend ODK Collect (which is the leading base for KoboCollect).
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