Bulk Upload 500 Error


I’m having an issue while trying to upload some submissions manually. Those were sent by a data collector, but I got the following error:

I tried to complete a submission myself to rule out any errors on the export process and still got the same error. I´m following the instructions on the support site as suggested in this entry and this other one.

It is a process that I have completed successfully before, so I really don’t know what the issue is.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Could you also let us know if you had received the data being collected through Enketo or Collect android app. Could you also list the exact steps you followed. also please let us know the server you are using. This would be helpful in troubleshooting the issue.

Hi @Kal_Lam, thanks for your answer.

The data was being collected through Enketo… The export was made in the web browser. It is worth noting that, once I got the error I tried to make an export myself and got the same result. Also tried to upload an export from a different project, and still got the same result.

The exact steps are:

That is giving me the Error on the screenshot of my previous post. As mentioned before, that is happening even on different projects.

The server I’ve been working on is kf.kobotoolbox.org.

Thanks again for you time and your responses.

Just made a check at my end and was able to submit the same to my HHI account. FYR,

Would you mind trying it again? It should not be a system issue.

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