Calculating Percentage from Entered Values

Hello everyone, I am able to calculate the sum by entering values, but when trying to perform another calculation from the entered values to calculate percentages and display them, the result comes out as “0”.

For example, if the number of Females is “1000”, the number of Males is “1000”, the total is “2000”, the male percentage should be 50% and the female percentage should also be 50%. So I would appriciate if someone help and tell me how to fix this. I’m also sharing a sample xls attached.
Percentage_Calculation.xlsx (9.2 KB)

Hi @anilgnydn ,

The challenge you have is that your questions for percentage are also integers.
I tried to change to decimal and it works. With the decimal, you could maybe multiply by 100 to get the percentage.

percentage.xlsx (10.3 KB)

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Hi @twesigye you’re right, I changed the question type as decimal and it worked very well. Thank you for your support.


@twesigye, :bowing_man: :tada: :heart: