Calculating the % in a calculate question

In calculation I need to get the percentage calculated
like the dependency ration which is (the number of people aged between 0 and 14 + the number of people aged 65 and above) divide by the total population between 15 and 64, times by 100 .

So you have the following variables:

  1. number of people aged between 0 and 14
  2. the total population between 15 and 64
  3. number of people aged 65 and above

Hi @bkryasim
Using the example provided by @Kal_Lam, I will mark the questions as Q1 Q2 AND Q3 respectively. You can then execute this if you review our support article

As indicated within the article, screenshot provided below

You can then use the calculation below to get your answer

(${Q1} div ${Q2})*100

If you need your answer with the % sign then simply use the following formula in a subsequent text question



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atkesCFjeidRb4uKio3Z39.xlsx (11.7 KB)

this is the calculation

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@bkryasim :clap: :heart: