I was wondering if I can upload my photos from the global server to my own server, I know there is a project calls xls-import, but this just allowed upload the data from xlsx, but don’t images, files, audios, and so on.
Hi @SebastianZ
I have not seen a workaround that allows you to upload the collected media files. I will however leave this open for other users to chime in
I would approach this requirement by writing a script to run on your own server, which will automatically download media using the API for every submission.
You know I can upload data from a xlsx file to a different form in a different server, using the next Script GitHub - kobotoolbox/xls-import, but this Script only allowes upload the data in the .xlsx, because of that I can’t upload data like photos, audios, recording, and so on.
So I was wondering if there is a method to do it, or we should develop something like that?