Unable to select image from Media URL

i am trying to select one from external file it works fine when i upload the csv file, but when i save a media url to the same csv on the different server it does not work.

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Hi @ashiqullah
Normally the first check with linking a url is to test whether the url is publicly accessible by typing the url on a browser. If you do so and it does not bring an option to download the csv file, it means your url is either wrong or not publicly available. In that case, the url will not work when used as you indicated. See an example of what I got when I tried to paste it.


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Dear @stephanealoo

the url i have provide is just an example the real one is http://afghanresponse.iom.int/furits.csv when i add this as media url and in kobo form i have select_one_from_file furits.csv it does not work. if i upload the same file as media file it works fine

Hi @ashiqullah
Did you try out your link and it opened up on a browser? Apparently it is not opening up on my browser

if link is clicked it is directly downloading the file

Hi @ashiqullah,

You could use the Media URL as outlined in the instruction below:

Step 1: Design your survey tab (xlsform) as outlined below:

Step 2: Design your choices tab (xlsform) as outlined below:
Image 0.2

Step 3: Upload your xlsform and then deploy.

Step 4: Upload the URL link as outlined below:

You should then see something as shown below:

Data collection screen seen as seen in Enketo:

Reference xlsform:
Image (URL).xlsx (11.2 KB)

Please Note: This should work smoothly in Enketo, but not with Collect android apps (viz. KoBoCollect or ODK Collect).

Additional Information: It’s always crucial to check out the link of the image (as to whether it works or not)

This link should not work: https://www.google.com/search?q=flower+jpg&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiR6cr_n7XoAhViArcAHR6YCNcQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=flower+jpg&gs_l=img.3..0l10.202655.205222..205440...0.0..1.294.1629.0j9j1…0…1…gws-wiz-img…0i67j0i131i67.com1D_9Xvnc&ei=_xt7XtHtC-KE3LUPnrCiuA0&bih=969&biw=1920&rlz=1C1CHWL_enNP882NP882#imgrc=jMItlr4bhQabSM


This link should also not work: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:-Flower_02-.jpg


This link should wok: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/32/-Flower_02-.jpg


Have a great day!

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try and upload a csv file to google sheets