Can´t select one choice in Enketo web form when the field use Dynamic Data Attachments

I created a form with Dynamic data attachments, I linked the form to itself and deployed the form. When I open the form in the form and try to enter new data, I can´t fill in the field “Nombre y apellido” or choose an option in “Tipo de documento de identidad”

The function I use for the select one question is: if(${DataExists}=‘true’,instance(‘formulario_de_registro_de_asis’)/root/data[C_N_mero_de_identificaci_n = current()/…/C_N_mero_de_identificaci_n]/C_Tipo_de_documento_de_identidad,0)
and for the open question is:
if(${DataExists}=‘true’,instance(‘formulario_de_registro_de_asis’)/root/data[C_N_mero_de_identificaci_n = current()/…/C_N_mero_de_identificaci_n]/C_Nombre_y_apellido,‘’)

@andresk11, maybe you will need to play around with the sample syntax, and XLSForms shared with the article (to master the concept of dynamic data attachement):

Hi @Kal_Lam, I read the article and I followed the steps. The Dynamic data works perfectly, but when I try to change the fields. it can´t be possible. Can you help me please?

Hola @andresk11 , todavía necesitas ayuda con esto?