CommandError: Retries exceeded; failed to connect to default database

Hello all. I am trying to install kobotoolbox on a GCP instance but I get this error message at the part where it says this

Waiting for PostgreSQL database to be up & running...
Creating network "kobofe_kobo-fe-network" with driver "bridge"
CommandError: Retries exceeded; failed to connect to default database

Please advise me on what I am doing wrong.

I face same issue during upgrading process
waiting for solution

I have just run --update and am getting the same. After a reboot and (yet another) --setup I’m getting

Network kobofe_kobo-fe-network is external, skipping
Removing network kobomaintenance_kobo-maintenance-network
WARNING: Network kobomaintenance_kobo-maintenance-network not found.
Network kobofe_kobo-fe-network is external, skipping
Removing network nginx-certbot_default
WARNING: Network nginx-certbot_default not found.
Network kobobe_kobo-be-network is external, skipping
Removing network kobofe_kobo-fe-network
Stopping kobobe_redis_cache_1 ... done
Stopping kobobe_postgres_1    ... done
Stopping kobobe_redis_main_1  ... done
Stopping kobobe_mongo_1       ... done
Removing kobobe_redis_cache_1 ... done
Removing kobobe_postgres_1    ... done
Removing kobobe_redis_main_1  ... done
Removing kobobe_mongo_1       ... done
Removing network kobobe_kobo-be-network
Launching environment
Creating network "kobobe_kobo-be-network" with driver "bridge"
Creating kobobe_postgres_1    ... done
Creating kobobe_redis_main_1  ... done
Creating kobobe_mongo_1       ... done
Creating kobobe_redis_cache_1 ... done
Waiting for PostgreSQL database to be up & running...
Creating network "kobofe_kobo-fe-network" with driver "bridge"
Creating kobofe_kpi_run ... done
CommandError: Retries exceeded; failed to connect to default database
An error has occurred

Can’t even get logs --logs
Attaching to

That’s as far as it gets

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                    COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS                           PORTS      NAMES
ce22b421f487   redis:6.2                "docker-entrypoint.s…"   16 minutes ago   Up 16 minutes                    6379/tcp   kobobe_redis_cache_1
529c8e96178d   postgis/postgis:14-3.2   "docker-entrypoint.s…"   16 minutes ago   Up 16 minutes                    5432/tcp   kobobe_postgres_1
186afc97dcf5   mongo:5.0                "docker-entrypoint.s…"   16 minutes ago   Restarting (14) 38 seconds ago              kobobe_mongo_1
33d5e4ed5882   redis:6.2                "docker-entrypoint.s…"   16 minutes ago   Up 16 minutes                    6379/tcp   kobobe_redis_main_1

Clearly mongo not starting but not having any logs is extremely unhelpful and I’m unable to enter kobobe_mongo_1

Error response from daemon: Container 186afc97dcf5b654ff9de1e5d8952bb689c4d513d2676cabcabad30b15eb9ee8 is restarting, wait until the container is running

So far I’ve only managed to find this

I also got around this by hosing .vols and starting again. Fortunately there was no important data stored there or my day would have been very far from great

After two years this is still a thing? Really?

This is not what I would expect from a documented update procedure

I have the same error that you mentioned, maybe you can help, waiting for a solution.

I have the same issue :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Im trying to install in WSL Ubuntu (20 or 18) hosted in Windows 11. I was unable to fix it…