Connect two projects

Good evening dear all;
I am trying to connect two projects. After going through the process, I chose the variables I want to see displayed on the child project. However, despite choosing some variables, the child form shows up with all the variables (even the one I didn’t choose).

The objective is that user B (child project) can only see the beneficiary’s reference data (Unique ID; Surname, First names, Age, Gender, Contact, Commune; GPS; and number of nets/bags available) without however being able to modify them.
As a reminder, this data was collected upstream by user A (Parent Project) and can only be viewed on user B’s tablet.
For user B, he can only provide additional data, namely:
1- The number of nets/bags collected
2- the total weight of the goods
3- The purchase price of the material
4- the effective date of collection
5- Contact the seller
6- The storage point; (single choice list)
7- the GPS coordinates of the collection point;
8- Taking an image of the material collected
Round 211BX.xlsx (67.2 KB)
Round 211aX.xlsx (67.2 KB)

Indeed, I want to dynamically connect two forms!
After following the process posted on the site, I chose the variables I want to see displayed on the child project.
However, despite choosing some variables, the child form appears with all the variables from the parent project (even the one I didn’t choose). in short, it doesn’t work!

The goal is for user A to fill out the first form with a number of variables. After sending the form to be filled in, which is in principle linked to the child project, user B of the child project receives specific information (reference data) from the beneficiary on his tablet, namely:
1- Unique identifier;
2- Municipality;
3- Name,
4- First names,
5- Age,
6- Gender,
7- Neighborhood
8- Landmark
9- Category
10- Type_of_collector
11 GPS;
12- number of nets/bags available
without however being able to modify them.
As a reminder, this data was collected upstream by User A (Parent Project) and can only be viewed on User B’s tablet (Child Project)*

For user B, he can only enter additional data, namely:
1- The number of nets/bags collected
2- the total weight of the plastic material purchased (in Kilogram)
3- The price per kilogram;
4- (Calculate the total quantity of plastic purchased (Quantity*Price per kilogram)
4- the effective date and time of the purchase;
5- The Seller’s Contact;
6- The storage point where the goods will be shipped; (single choice list to be defined)
7- the GPS coordinates of the point of the place of purchase of the plastic material;
8- Take an image of the material collected;

Also, is it possible to add ‘repeat group’ in this join type (child project) U (parent project) for example? update this additional data;
Round1.xlsx (9.9 KB)
Round2.xlsx (10.1 KB)

@esy_cari2020, you will need to go through our support article Dynamic Data Attachments to understand the concept of dynamic data attachment.

Hello Kal
Thanks for answering it. Sorry for the duplicate file. However, I followed the concept on your dynamic Data Attachment article post on the site, but it doesn’t work. Could I just have a correction of what I did to understand my mistake SVP ??

Hola, tal vez pueda ayudar.
Revisa que hayas seleccionado unicamente las variables que quieres compartir como se muestra en la siguiente imagen:

Recuerda que debes activar compartir la data desde el proyecto primario, y en el proyecto secundario debes activar la opción de importar datos (imagen 2) y desde cada proyecto que hayas conectado debes seleccionar las varialbes que has conectado (imagen 3)

Yo he conectado con exito 5 proyectos en uno solo. Espero te ayude esta información.


Raquel ch.

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@raquelchaicoj, :clap: :heart: :partying_face:

Thank you for this guidance.
Regarding sharing between user A and B.
Does this mean that there would be two different kobotoolbox accounts? to give permissions?
In my case, the forms are created on a single account, and I would therefore like from this account to synchronize the different information collected by each user and to receive the data on the same server (Google drive)

Mais malheureusement ça ne marche pas encore.