Convert KoboToolbox (xls) forms to Microsoft Word

Hi everyone,

Zaeen de Souza and I have created a webpage that can convert KoboToolbox (xls/xlsx) forms into easily editable and printable Microsoft Word (.docx) documents.

Here’s the link:

We hope you find it useful!

A couple of known issues:

  1. You need a ‘form_title’ in your settings page in order for the conversion to work.

  2. The labels in the ‘survey’ and ‘choices’ sheets need to be called ‘label’ and not ‘label::English’ or ‘label::French’ etc.

An example XLSform that you can use to try out is attached.

xls_template.xlsx (13.3 KB)

Zaeen & Kabira


Thank you @kabira_namit! This is a great support to the KoboToolbox community! Could you also have a look at this resource material shared by @zaeendesouza?

Hi @Kal_Lam. @zaeendesouza led both efforts! The previous iteration was more general. This one is customized to KoboToolBox.

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@kabira_namit, :clap: :heart: :partying_face:

Thanks @kabira_namit - much appreciated :wave: :wave: :wave:

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Amazing work, thank you so much

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