Is there any possibility to get set the current location as a default response value?
I am using the point. widget to capture a geographic location. the wiget allows to get the current location if the form user clicks on the “detect current location” button. Since the location should be captured always (if possible), I would like to skip the step of having to click on the “detect current location” button
Is there a possibility to set the current location as a default response value? (i.e. the current location is being detected, when an empty form is being opened the first time. Something similar to the "today() function in the date widget.)
Thanks @Kal_Lam.
The post that you refer to explains how define default location response that is static. However, my inquiry differs slightly. Rather than defining a fix location, I would like to find a way so that every time the form is loaded the current location is retrieved and used as a default response value.
This works for great for us - however we are in Canada and I am getting an error when trying to use a negative for the longitude. My String is as follows:
43.45124800 80.4930480 330.69580078125 3.2900925
What we need is:
43.45124800 -80.4930480 330.69580078125 3.2900925
Which causes an error - any ideas how to get around this?
I did not try it - if you allow the form to find your location it works well. The main issue for us was it would not accept starting with a - on the first number.