Data missing from the server (from 850 to 841)

Thanks @Josh for your answer. The records that were deleted for the second export were never restored by the system. The solution that was given was to reload that information as a new record and maybe that is what you have seen, but if those records had been restored by the system they would appear as duplicate records (because they were loaded again) and not it is so.
In any case, if you consider that I am not right, I ask you to explain to me better what you have exposed, but if you can verify again I would appreciate it very much. Best regards.

Hi @Akratos, just to clarify from my previous message, in the differences between the exports regarding the Estado value of “Miranda”, there were no records deleted. There is indication that these records were edited and their values changed but the submissions are still present in both exports.
Perhaps I’m not understanding your question though. When you refer to “the system”, is that KoBo or an external system that has been integrated with KoBo?

If you open up both exports and search for the _id values I sent before, you will see that the records do exist in both.

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