Data Storage

Dear Community,

I haver a question related to data storage. Is that storage were count with the form? it mean that in my form aslo hase images. I concern the increase of storage for 1G limitation.

Please anyone know help me?

Best regards,

@chhornsambo, please also be informed that there is a difference between the submissions and storage threshold the system offers. Submissions are interviews you submit to the server, which is 5k per month, while with storage, you can submit media files like images, video, audio, and files along with the submissions. This is limited to 1GB per account.

So, sometimes, deleting the project might also not work if you are over the submission threshold. You must either wait until the counter resets to zero for the next month or upgrade your account to exceed that threshold. However, deleting a project that consumed more than 1GB of storage would work to restore the storage counter to zero.

You should also be able to check your storage and submissions use through ACCOUNT SETTINGS>Usage.

There you should be able to view your storage and submissions used in a summary format as well as by projects:


So you can then decide on which project to delete based on the storage used.

If you wish to keep the storage and continue using your account then you could upgrade to a paid plan from under ACCOUNT SETTINGS>Plans or even purchase the storage add-ons from +Add-ons.

Feel free to reach us through for any upgrade-related issues. We would be happy to help!

Dear @Kal_Lam

Thanks for your respond, I understand for limatin 5k submission per month and 1G storage per account. However this 1G storage which is count with all the form media? as my form I use many illustrator?

Thanks for your clearify.

@chhornsambo, yes the 1 GB storage is for all your projects (or let me be more specific, it’s allocated for your account) and not project-wise 1 GB.