Hello Dear @Kal_Lam same problem still persist in many of our project can you help ?
Hi All
We were facing this problem only 1 project last week but now our all project can not show data table section. I tried another browsers but problem is same. Im using humanitarian server (kc.humanitarianresponse).
So could you please solve this problem?
Thanks in advance
@emreozkan90, @anilgnydn let’s see if we have this issues with other uses too.
I have the same problem.
Welcome back to the community, @dwaimah! Is it in the OCHA server again?
How can I know the server type?
I should be able to know if you share with me your URL.
OK, thank you. It’s the OCHA server.
Welcome Kal-Lam, Could you help us to solve a problem?
OK, we will have a look at it.
@anilgnydn, @emreozkan90, @dwaimah kindly please be informed that the issue has been resolved. This was due to the server load.
Thank you @Kal_Lam . The issue seems resolved.
Thank you @Kal_Lam . The issue seems resolved.
Hi there!
We face same problem again in kc.humanitarian.response server. Data>Table view is not displaying table normally. It gives error again. I tried on 4 different accounts, 3 different browsers, more than 10 different projects.
For your kind information
@emreozkan90, this generally happens when there is load in the server. The load balancer should automatically adjust it. Would you mind reaching us back if the same is not resolved by tomorrow. But FYI, it should not take till tomorrow. Feel free to reach us back if the issue still persists.
Dear @Kal_Lam
I have problem when I was trying to search during table by id then take along time, after that the attached error message appeared.
I hope to help us so our work was interrupted.
@dwaimah, this generally happens when there is load in the server. The load balancer should automatically adjust it. Would you mind reaching us back if the same is not resolved by tomorrow. But FYI, it should not take till tomorrow. Feel free to reach us back if the issue still persists.
Hi @Kal_Lam . Problem seems solved. Thank you. But i wonder that this solution is temporary or permanent ?
Thanks in advance