Desigining an XLSForm - Looking for a 3rd eye

After successfully installing Kobotoolbox, I embarked on the next obvious thing - designing a form for a survey. I followed a support KB document and failed. I have a situation where I have Counties, Sub-counties and Wards. So there are several Counties. Each County has several Sub-counties and each sub-county has several Wards. It’s a form of cascaded selection, which I interpreted as per the attached XLSX document, and which cannot pass validation.
The problem is that some sub-counties share same Ward namings.

Is anyone willing to point out what I am missing?

Thanks in advance.
cdcs_impact_survey_form-backup.xlsx (67.0 KB)

You can disable this validation check - which may result in a false negative in certain cases when you have cascading selects, where multiple filtered options may legitimately have the same name - with a special form setting.

I also noticed that you had the incorrect name for your gender choices (you had list_name=‘sex’ whereas your select question is looking for a list called ‘gender’).

I fixed both these and your form now validates OK. I cannot testify as to whether all your cascade logic is correct, but at least you can run your form now and test:

cdcs_impact_survey_form-backup_FIXED.xlsx (67.1 KB)


Thank you very much for lending me your eyeballs :slight_smile:
It is my first time into this and RTFM isn’t the easiest thing sometimes…
I realize one thing though (while previewing the form from ODK - XLSForm Online). Once I select the County, the list of Sub-counties does not pop up. I was expecting it to happen, and after choosing the subcounty, the list of Wards should pop up.
Is this normal when previewing the form or is there a problem with the form that I need to address?

Thank you once again.

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You’re welcome!

Jumping in the deep end, huh? :wink: For your first form this is pretty complicated, with a very large dataset that you are filtering, with a 2-level cascading select no less. You might want to try something more basic first - with perhaps just a simpler single-level cascading select - to make sure you understand how this all fits together. Then starting adding more complexity. :slight_smile:

Anyway, good luck and post back when you get it working! :+1: