Disappearance of photos in my forms

Bonjour, nous avons réalisé une enquête entre le mois de décembre 2022 et janvier 2023 cours de laquelle les photos faisaient partie intégrante du formulaire. sauf que récemment en retéléchargeant les formulaires en question je me rend compte que plusieurs photos manquent à l’appel ce qui n’était pas le cas au moment où nous avons clos l’enquête. on parle là de plusieurs milliers de formulaires dont les images sont introuvables.

pouvez-vous me m’aider à comprendre ce qui se passe et si possible m’aider à retrouver ces images manquantes?

Welcome to the community, @kes2022! Would you mind sharing with me the following information through a private message so that I could have a closer look at your case:

  • Username
  • Project name
  • _id for those that you report as missing images
  • Server

Note: You could share with me a private message as outlined in the post discussed previously:

@kes2022, is this the issue you are facing?

Yes sir
even when i open the submission form there is no image inside the form

@kes2022, is this what you are trying to refer to?

Image 1


What can be the problem please??

Hello @kes2022,

Would you mind to retry please? We tried few submissions with attachments and the files did load on our side.

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Hi @nolive, not all forms have problems in this account. can you please give me some IDs of forms whose images did not display and now do?

Hello @kes2022,

I used the exactly the same example I found in this topic, i.e.:

  • Photo du lampadaire: Impossible de trouver 1671553450526.jpg
  • The other one @Kal_Lam asked for

Both are loading for me.

If it still does not for you, can you tell me if you are able to open the link provided by the API?

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Hello Kal_Lam

I am having similar problem as kes2022 did with photos. I am still in trail version. So, I am happy I am not losing any data at the moment. But I don’t want this problem when I release it in the conference. I created a form in kobo.humanitarianresponse.info through my account. The form has a place for uploading pictures. When I tried it I can see the responses and pictures that i submitted from laptop regardless of size if it less than 10 mb. But when I use the form from phone, I can find the text data, but the photo does not open and don’t show up in gallery. How can I solve and prevent this problem?

hola Kal_Lam, creo que tengo un problema similar al planteado.
En un formulario ya implementado donde se habian recolectado varias fotografias, realizce una modificacion agregando una nueva pregunta, al implementar la nueva version, no puedo ver las fotos recolectadas en las versiones anteriores.
Descargue una tabla de los datos con link a las fotos, y puedo ver abriendo los links que siguen en el servidor, solo que no figuran relacionadas a los datos de la tabla.
Al consultar la galería del proyecto también las puedo ver.
Hay algún modo de volver a vincularlas a los registros??