Does not show grouped questions in the data table

Dear support team,

when we group some questions it does not show the data in the data table which is entered through form. can you please help to resolve this issue.?

bellow is the screenshot of the issue

same issue when i export the data in excel it does not show the value of those grouped questions.

@support team could you please help us fix above issue?

There might be four reasons:

  1. The group was automatically skipped on data entry (relevant expression)
  2. The questions in the group have not been answered (not set required = true)
  3. You are using multiple languages and translation for the labels is missing for the language (labels) shown.
  4. The form was changed/redeployed, incl. elements concerning the group (e.g. related choices).

For point 3 you could test by changing the table view settings to XML values.

Can you see these values if you select and View (or Edit) the case, with eye or pencil icon in the table view?

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@freshtasadat2020, kindly please note:

If it’s a repeat group maybe this post discussed previously should help you explain how the data is structured while downloading them as an Excel format:

Also please be informed that if you are trying to view your repeat group data under the DATA>Table you will not be able to view it as you see with other normal variables. However, you should be able to see the summary of the repeat group as outlined in the post discussed previously (please see the attached announcement).

Dear support team ,

We have checked but non of the above points ( There might be four reasons:

  1. The group was automatically skipped on data entry (relevant expression)
  2. The questions in the group have not been answered (not set required = true)
  3. You are using multiple languages and translation for the labels is missing for the language (labels) shown.
  4. The form was changed/redeployed, incl. elements concerning the group (e.g. related choices). match the issue we have.

grouped questions are not viewable

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Did you check if it’s a repeat group question?

Hi. Can you state the step by step to show the data for repeat group in table under data?

Thank you