Download and Account issues

I am unable to download the XLS sheet and even after clicking multiple times, the account settings is not directing to its options.

Welcome to the community, @Sravya_12! Could you try with a different browser (maybe try Chrome, Firefox, Edge) to see how it behaves?

Hi @Kal_Lam , thanks for the response. I tried using firefox browser and I was able to open the account settings. But to download the XLS sheet issue remained same. I am unable to download the form XLS sheet.

@Sravya_12, would you mind providing the following information through a private message. Maybe I could have a closer look at your case:

  • Username
  • Project name
  • Server

Note: You could share with me a private message as outlined in the post discussed previously:

@Sravya_12, could you let me know the project that has issues?

EAP form_Final Version - Project Name

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@Sravya_12, I did not have any issues downloading the XLSForm. FYR …


I successfully downloaded the XLSForm for both the Deployed and Draft version of the project form you mentioned.

@kal_Lam, I am still unable to download the forms at my end and I am not sure about the reasons. In the meantime, can you share the excel sheets with me via email? It will be really helpful for me.
